About Me

The story of a developer from Bihar who reached for the stars

Anurag Ranjan

Anurag Ranjan

A passionate full stack developer from Bihar, India, with a deep fascination for space, science, and cutting-edge technology. My journey started in a small town but my vision has always been cosmic in scale.

I combine artistic sensibilities with technical expertise to create digital products that are not just functional but aesthetically striking and future-forward.

My Tech Stack

ReactNode.jsMongoDBNextJSTailwind CSSTypeScriptPythonAWS

My Journey


Started B.Tech in Data Science & AI

2020 - 2024

Enrolled at IcfaiTech, IFHE Hyderabad, building a strong foundation in AI, ML, and data science.


Big Data Engineer at Xyenta Solutions

Jan 2024 - Present

Developing and maintaining data pipelines using Azure Data Factory and working on Apache Flink for stateful stream processing.