Crafting DigitalCosmic Experiences

Bihar-born full stack developer creating innovative tech solutions with a touch of space-age aesthetic

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Portfolio Showcase

Nebula Analytics

Nebula Analytics

Data visualization dashboard with a cosmic theme for tracking business metrics.

Stellar E-commerce

Stellar E-commerce

Complete online store solution with a space-themed product showcase.

Next.jsTypeScriptStripeTailwind CSS
Galactic Blog

Galactic Blog

A markdown-powered personal blog with a sleek space-inspired UI.

AstroMDXTailwind CSSVercel
Lunar Task Manager

Lunar Task Manager

Task management application with AI-based prioritization and reminders.

ReactFirebasePWARedux Toolkit
Cosmos API Explorer

Cosmos API Explorer

Interactive API explorer with auto-documentation and live request testing.

FastAPISwaggerReactMonaco Editor
Quantum Portfolio

Quantum Portfolio

Developer portfolio with interactive animations and smooth scroll experience.

Next.jsFramer MotionShadCNTailwind


A note-taking web app with Markdown support and offline syncing.

Orion Chat

Orion Chat

Real-time chat application with end-to-end encryption and voice messaging.

Celestial Finance

Celestial Finance

Personal finance tracker with interactive budgeting tools and spending insights.

FlutterFirebasePlaid API
DarkMatter DevOps

DarkMatter DevOps

CI/CD automation pipeline with monitoring and logging for cloud applications.
